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Errors and Corrections (oops, I made a boo-boo!)

Fixed the typo for the "Erick's Laws" link on my Tips page
Fixed spelling and grammar errors. 02-18-97
Mkaresh says that the daughtercard is different from the one that Intel is planning and he doubts it can be updgraded to a Pentium Pro (not enough space). epbrown isn't too sure he is happy about that type of design.
Mkaresh tells me that his WinBook LM uses a TCP chip, not the low-voltage PGA chip. He also informs me that it is on a daughter card. Now I think that is pretty significant because that means "upgradeability". In fact, I believe Intel is moving to this daughterboard technology in its next set of chips, supposedly to prevent motherboards from being outdated. This would mean that your Pentiums (or Pentium Pros) may be able to upgrade to the future generatiom of MMX chips (like the Klamath, Descheutes or Katmai) without having to change your motherboard. If this is true, then Pentium notebooks can be upgraded to Pentium Pros by next year (but don't hold your breath).

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